Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Black, black, black and BLUE! *Bruno Mars*

i having my menses. arghhh, this is bad bro! didn't feel comfy all the time. masa high school, aku panggil Towel Day! penah kongsi diary dengan farisukimi masa form five. 8 months with me and the others with him. die tanya "Towel day tu ape??" hahaha

my hair is getting longer, longer, longer and worst. nak potong, ade orang tak bagi. cis! cis! benci Pantene. memang tak sesuai dengan rambut aku. bukan lagi lembut, lagi kasar ade laa. dah macam rambut kak limah tapi lagi better kot :)

p/s: pimples and menses are bestfriend.


Nisa_Hardzir said...

gune lar dove...ok promote ni..

*rajin x akk komen blog ko??haha

ATIRA :) said...

rajin. tak kesah :)

DOVE okay ke? yg kaler mane? nanti akak buat review kat blog. hehe :P

Nisa_Hardzir said...

perh bt review...aku penah tgk review hanis zalikha punyer...

siyes mmg ok..ritu rmbt akak agak damage ngan kering..pas pakai dove ok lar..

try gune Damage Therapy Intensive Repair botol wane biru..perh promote ni..hehe

Sya Chot .. said...

sgt so sweet korang ni la..
hee..trex pe lgi,p beli dove..:)

Mira said...

mmg btul, dove sgt best!!